Risk assessment

Is your candidate a risk taker? Is he reluctant to making fast decisions? Find out!


The risk assessment, is a computerized decision-making assessment that is used to assess risk-taking behavior.
It simulates a real-world situation, involving actual risky behavior, where taking a risk up until a certain point yields a reward. However, if risky behavior is kept up, it results in poorer outcomes.

Memory assessment

Maybe your candidate has a photographic memory.
Why not test it?


The memory assessment is a psychological test that assesses visuo-spatial short term working memory.
It involves mimicking a tapping sequence of up to nine identical spatially separated dots.

Focus assessment

Is your candidate a natural multitasker? There's only one way to find out.


The focus assessment is used to test three attentional networks simultaneously: alerting, orienting, and executive control.

Personality assessment

Is your candidate a perfectionist? Maybe a natural diplomat? Find out!


The personality assessment provides you with standardised, useful insights regarding how candidates behave in a work context and predict job performance.

Make your ouwn

Do you think something's missing? It takes 5 minutes to make your own assessment!


With Retrics' assessment builder you can make your own assessments for candidates